Meet Madison County’s record keeper
Madison County Clerk and Recorder Paula McKenzie may be new to the position, but by no means is she new to the office.
Madison County Clerk and Recorder Paula McKenzie may be new to the position, but by no means is she new to the office.
Early conversations have started again about a community center in Ennis, Mont. Local mental health leaders and community members met on Monday to discuss benefits and hear concerns about having a focal point with resources for the whole family.
For Ruby Habitat Foundation employees Les Gilman and Dave Delisi, working on the Woodson Ranch in Alder is truly a labor of love. This passion for the land becomes evident when they discuss the foundation’s 1,100-acre property.
Walking into the Montana House of Representatives Chamber, one steps through an aisle in the center and looks towards a Charlie Russell painting. Democrat representatives sit on the right, if you are facing the painting, and Republicans on the left.
Representative Ray Shaw described the aisle in between as Montana.
While giving opportunities remained somewhat the same, the giving spirit increased this year in Madison County.
At the Town Pump in Ennis, Mont., approximately $6,140 was donated to the Madison Valley Caring and Sharing Food Bank from the beginning of October through Thanksgiving. Town Pump matches donations dollar for dollar.
This holiday season, school districts in Madison County moved their Christmas concerts and plays from the stage to the screen. Ennis, Alder, Harrison and Sheridan School Districts all opted to film students’ performances and distribute them to parents online.
Frank Ford was almost in tears last Friday. The day before, it might have been due to the three chainsaws stolen from the Firewood Bank of the Ruby Valley, but that day it was from the immensely generous community response to the theft.
Writer's note: my mom, laboratory QA safety specialist at the state lab, used to walk my sister and I through the halls and different components of the lab when we were little. I thought Debbie was the coolest woman then, especially after I started hearing about all the ultras she ran, and still feel that way now.
In partnership with Southwest Montana Prevention, community members are working on implementing Communities That Care (CTC) in Madison County. The process began a year ago but was set back due to the pandemic.
One thing that is easy to do in a small group, and almost preferable, is playing a game. There are so many tabletop options anymore, even those ‘not-super-into-games’ people can find something they like.
65 N. MT Hwy 287
Ennis, MT 59729