Communication breakdown
Rest assured – if you’ve attempted to contact county officials and employees over the past two weeks but haven’t received a response, they are not ignoring you.
Rest assured – if you’ve attempted to contact county officials and employees over the past two weeks but haven’t received a response, they are not ignoring you.
The Madison County Board of Commissioners’ meeting last Tuesday was the setting for a relatively heated discussion regarding the county public health department’s use of funding from the federal government and employee timesheets.
Last week was transmittal week for the 2021 Montana State legislative session. Friday was the deadline for each House to pass bills and present to the opposite House.
House District 71 Rep. Kenneth Walsh got through his transmittal week last Wednesday.
During the Madison County Commissioner’s weekly meeting on Feb. 23, the commissioners unanimously moved to approve authorization for filling two nursing home administrator positions in-house at both county nursing facilities and approved advertising the position in-house for five days. The positions will be permanent, full-time and exempt.
Ennis Town Commissioners met with architecture, engineering and design firm Cushing Terrell on Feb. 18 to kick off the development of a master plan for the community. The eight-month process began with a lengthy discussion on which issues the commission felt need to be addressed.
Three developers met with the Ennis Town Commission on Feb. 9 to discuss their proposals for development plans in the town. Nothing concrete was decided at the nearly three-hour zoning-intensive meeting, which served as more of a “getting to know each other” gathering for the developers and commissioners.
Last Monday, Lobo Construction began re-roofing the pavilion at the Madison County Fairgrounds in Twin Bridges, Mont. The approximately $82,000 project was funded by an insurance claim from windstorm damage accrued last fall.
Changes are coming to the Ennis area ambulance service. Starting May 1, the Madison Valley Medical Center will take over where the volunteer-staffed Ennis Ambulance Service will leave off, following a decision made in late 2020 by the Town of Ennis and MVMC.
Tom Urell and Jim Singer were out hiking up Jack Creek Trail, U.S. Forest Service Trail 6317, about 10 miles east of Ennis, Mont on Jan. 27. Both men were familiar with the area and were experienced outdoorsmen—both hunters and Singer formally employed at Glacier National Park.
On Jan. 26 the Madison County Health Department issued an order to extend the current mask mandate for all residents and businesses for 60 days in Madison County, requiring anyone in public to wear a face covering.
65 N. MT Hwy 287
Ennis, MT 59729