Rep. Walsh receives Farm Bureau Rookie of Year Award
Representative Kenneth Walsh, HD 71, Twin Bridges, received the 2021 Rookie of the Year Award from Montana Farm Bureau during the organization’s summer conference June 7-9 in Great Falls.
Representative Kenneth Walsh, HD 71, Twin Bridges, received the 2021 Rookie of the Year Award from Montana Farm Bureau during the organization’s summer conference June 7-9 in Great Falls.
Mary Grace Reynolds’ cat’s name is Thomas Jefferson.
“He’s currently sleeping in the chair that is for other people to sit in, and I’m trying to find a way to discourage him from doing that,” Reynolds said during her first day as Madison Valley Presbyterian Church’s new pastor.
As of June 15, Madison County reported two active coronavirus cases and 789 confirmed positive cases throughout the pandemic. There are currently no active hospitalizations.
The state of Montana saw an increase of 932 cases over the past week, resulting in a total of 112,761 cases through the pandemic.
There’s a place Roxy Hudak goes when she needs a break from it all. It’s called her Woosah room – a place for clarity and calmness. Some folks find this place along the river, or perhaps in their garden. For Hudak, the room decorated with mementos of home and family, happens to be in the back of her new shop:
Sometimes, size does matter. For the Sheridan Fire Department, that boils down to the size of its station: the department’s firefighting equipment can barely fit inside the aging building. Just backing into the station is a feat in and of itself. It’s gotten to the point that something needs to be done about the tight quarters.
There’s a 12-foot wide stretch of seldom used alleyway between Grizzly and Armitage streets in Ennis that has caused quite a stir over the years. The narrow alley leads past two homesites to the Ennis Ditch and the Madison River beyond.
There’s a saying that Ennis Town Commissioner Cory Hardy returns to often: “Activity promotes more activity and laziness promotes more laziness.” It’s a motivational quote he’s even used as his screensaver and words of wisdom he passes on to others who might need it.
Brandon Bauer- Wyo Tech
• Ken Steiner Memorial = $2000.
Colby Caldwell - United States Army
Dreonna Clark - MT Technological University
• Horatio Alger - $15,000. (over 4 years)
• Montana University System Stem/Healthcare Scholarship - $6000.(over 4 years)
• MT Tech - $1000.
Tap into Ennis was back after a year off due to the pandemic, and the smiles on faces and activities abound showed just how much events like this were missed.
65 N. MT Hwy 287
Ennis, MT 59729