Vying for your votes
Candidates file for municipal elections
The November municipal general elections may seem far off, but preparations are underway and the candidates slated for the official ballots have been announced. Here’s a breakdown of which Madison County communities will be included in the Nov. 2 election.
Two, four-year town commission seats are open, with five residents filing for candidacy: Jason Norman Schroeder, Nichole Hankins, Lisa Roberts, Brandi Palmerton and Jesslyn Dulinsky.
One, four-year mayor position is open, with Kelly Elser and Nicole Haas on the ballot.
Two, four-year town council seats are open, with five residents filing for candidacy: Jonathan Laurin, Rahn Abbott, Patricia Wang, Emilie Sayler and Tamara Todd.
One, two-year unexpired term opened on the Sheridan town council, with one person filing: Z Wade Hampton.
One, four-year mayor position is open, with one person filing: Robert C Stump.
Voters will decide on the two council positions as well as the unexpired commission seat. The mayor position can be appointed by acclimation.
Virginia City
Three, four-year city commission seats are open, with six candidates on the ballot: Ken Julio Shields, Mckenzy D Shields, Gay Rossow, Amy Grice, Jon Osborn and Kacey Smart.
Twin Bridges
Twin Bridges is the only town not required to hold a municipal general election as the community did not have more people file than offices open.
There were three, four-year term town council openings with three candidates filing for a spot: James “JB” Klyap, Matthew A Greemore and Nolan Frandsen.
Twin Bridges also had one, two-year unexpired council term open, with one person filing: Jordan High.
All candidates who filed in Twin Bridges can be appointed by acclamation. The town could still opt to have the election if they choose, that decision deadline is August 30.