General hunting season opens with mixed hunter success in southwestern Montana
Hunter numbers were below average and hunter success was mixed in southwestern Montana over the opening weekend of the general deer and elk hunting season.
Hunter numbers were below average and hunter success was mixed in southwestern Montana over the opening weekend of the general deer and elk hunting season.
Starting Dec. 15 Southwest Montana hunters who ate their tags rather than their freshly harvested venison will have another opportunity to bag a white-tailed deer.
The extended hunt, which runs through Feb. 15, applies to unused 2020 either-sex general white-tailed deer licenses as well as antlerless B-licenses.
Seven trend areas were surveyed post-hunting season by wildlife biologists with Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks (FWP). Information from these surveys was used to produce doe to buck ratios and additionally informs regulations and Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) management.
65 N. MT Hwy 287
Ennis, MT 59729