Twin Bridges School

New bus drivers hired

Twin Bridges School Board met on Feb. 11 for their monthly meeting to discuss progress made on transportation needs, open Trustee positions and levies.

The Board moved to offer a $10/route/driver incentive for bus drivers during the next six weeks. Rates for substitute drivers were increased to match the current rate on the lowest level of the pay matrix used for paying bus drivers, which is based on experience.

“These actions that we took seemed to have worked,” Steve Janzen, Board Chair, said. On Feb. 18, a special meeting was held to hire two substitute drivers and a new route driver.

The purchase of a Type E School Bus was approved with a limit of up to $65,000. The District plans to trade in a 2005 Dodge Caravan that was used for additional transportation. E Buses can hold up to 10 students, while the Caravan could handle around five.

“These E Buses have a five-star safety rating as well, so that’s important to us,” Janzen said.

Superintendent Thad Kaiser is looking into options. Obtaining a brand-new E Bus may take a couple of months. Going with a used bus with low miles would make for a quicker turnaround.

The Board plans to pursue a memorandum of under-standing with Sheridan School District to form a transportation pool. If agreed upon, both Districts would be able to use the drivers in the pool for transportation needs.

The election of three different Trustee positions was called for by the Board: one one-year position and two three-year positions. Ballots will be mailed out but cannot be dropped off at the school. Those wishing to cast a vote must bring the ballot to the Clerk and Recorder’s Office in Virginia City. Elections will be held on May 5.

Coming up, the Board must call for levies and make them publicly know. They do not have to be specified, but the Board must announce their intent. This year, the Board plans to use non-voted levies for adult education, bus depreciation, transportation, tuition and building reserve funds. Voted levies include general fund, flex fund and building fund.

During the administrative report, three 6th graders demonstrated a Project Lead The Way science project. For the project, they created a tool for younger students with physical impairments to play with.

Two new substitute teachers and a part-time teacher were hired. The principal was re-hired, as February is the month for administrative hires.

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