Holt / Seaman Scholarship Fundraiser Successful
The Earl Holt and John Seaman Memorial Scholarship funds raised $10,351 at the 11TH annual Texas Hold’em charity tournament. Forty-four players joined together at the Silver Dollar to raise this impressive amount that will be awarded to seniors at Ennis High School. Due to the great turnout over the last eleven years, these scholarships were able to pay out $14,000 in scholarships this year. Each of the recipients will receive the funds second semester of their university education. Congratulations and good luck to these exceptional individuals!
The charity poker tournament was held in March at the Silver Dollar with results as follows: 1st – SPLIT: Bernie Oglietti (Ennis) and Gary Schild (Lolo), 3rd – Kevin Helling (Ennis), 4th – Diane Mohr (Butte). Thank you to all 44 players who played and contributed to the scholarship funds! The tournament will take place again next March at the Silver Dollar Saloon. Special thanks to Wanda and Bill Skinner for planning the fundraiser! For a list of all of the individuals and businesses that supported the event, please see the thank you advertisement listed in this week’s edition of The Madisonian.