Harrison School Board looks to hire bus drivers, extra staf
The Harrison School Board held their monthly meeting on the evening of October 11. Here’s a recap of what was covered.
• Madison County Public Health Director Emilie Sayler presented updated info from the county’s public health board which was approved by county commissioners. Sayler detailed a recommendation that, in lieu of quarantining students and staff who have had close contact to a Covid-19 infected individual, would allow them to remain in class given they wear a mask. The board opted to continue with its current policy which relies on parents to make the masking choice. Students and staff will continue to be encouraged to stay home if they’re feeling sick.
• The board approved an $18 per hour pay rate for bus drivers. The district, said Superintendent Billie Taylor, is severely short on drivers. The hourly rate applies for driving as well as standby time. As basketball season starts up and the roads begin to deteriorate the need for another driver will be felt even more.
• Staffing needs were discussed. It was decided several part-time aides should be hired to assist with student needs.
• The district’s Covid-19 plan was reviewed with no changes.
• The board took its annual facility tour, walking through the school to address what building needs may be on the horizon as well as to appreciate what teachers and students are up to in the classroom.
• The district’s wellness policy, which meets national school lunch program guidelines and encourages locally-purchased food service products, was approved.
The Harrison School Board meets next on Nov. 8 at 6 p.m. for policy reading and discussion followed by their regular meeting at 7 p.m.