Emergency responders see busy 24 hours
1 vehicle crash spurs 3 additional, 13.3 acre Jack Creek fire contained
Emergency responders from around the county were busy as they responded to two incidents in the Madison Valley within a 24-hour period. Approximately 12:24 p.m. on April 16, the Madison Valley Rural Fire Department responded to a report of a fire at the Jumping Jack Creek Ranch. “It was a rekindling from a previous prescribed burn,” said MRVFD Chief Shawn Christensen. The MVRFD stations one, two and three all responded, along with Virginia City Fire, Madison County Sheriff’s Office and the Jumping Horse Ranch assisted with their fire unit.
Christensen said winds got up to 40 miles per hour, creating spot fires a quarter mile away, and several large cottonwoods caught fire and could take anywhere between seven and 10 days to burn. The 13.3 fire is contained and is now the responsibility of the permit holder to control the fire until it burns out, according to Christensen.
1 vehicle crash spurs 3 additional wrecks
Approximately 9:53 a.m. on April 17, Madison County Dispatch reported one vehicle off the east side of the road at the top of Norris Hill, mile marker 60.5. “It started out as a one vehicle and ended up as a four-vehicle accident,” said Christensen, adding an SUV towing an enclosed trailer was the initial vehicle off the road before being joined by a truck that lost control on the west side over the embankment. Another vehicle could not reach a stop before rear-ending the back of a Madison County Sheriff’s Deputy vehicle.
Christensen said minor injuries were reported and two were transported to the Madison Valley Medical Center. Madison County Rural Fire Department, Madison County Sheriff’s Office, Harrison Volunteer Fire Department, Montana Department of Transportation and the Ennis Volunteer Ambulance all responded.