Sheridan School second grade honors Martin Luther King Jr.
“I Have a Dream” project
“I have a dream that I could change the world so everyone has food,” - Vergil
“I have a dream that everybody has a second chance,” - Max
“I have a dream that we wouldn't need jails,” - Mia
“I have a dream that everyone gets treated the right way,” - Cooper R.
“I have a dream that food costs less,” - Knox
“I have a dream people would not cut down live trees,” - Naia
“I have a dream that everybody would be kind to each other even if they are different,” -Scarlett
“I have a dream to make sure everybody has money,” -Oli
“I have a dream that there were no more bad people,” -Cooper H.
“I have a dream that all girls and boys can go to school,” -Mallory
“I have a dream that people will support each other,” - Austin
“I have a dream that people don't litter,” - Mason
“I have a dream that nobody ever dies,” - Kynzie
“I have a dream everyone can be friends,” - Westyn
“I have a dream that there were no more bad guys,” - Liam
“I have a dream that people don't break into banks,” -Kam
“I have a dream to make the USA better by everyone getting along,” -Maddox