Cider pressing party
Volunteers needed
f all brings with it fresh mornings, colored leaves, pumpkins and of course, apple cider!
Jackson’s Garden is hosting a cider pressing party on saturday, oct. 1 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. sandra Baril said, “It’s my favorite event of the year.”
People are encouraged to bring their apples and clean containers and take home the cider they press or just come and watch and enjoy hot cider and fresh donuts. Washing stations will be set up to prepare your apples prior to pressing: bring your own knives and cutting boards. however, having your apples prepped before you arrive will reduce your waiting time. depending on the turn out your pressing time may be limited. The first gallon you press is free, a donation of $5 gallon is suggested.
Volunteers are needed to help with the pressing process. some of the volunteers wash the apples and cut them in halves or quarters. The buckets of the prepared apples go to volunteers who hand crank them through the apple chopper which drops them into the pressing bucket which has a mesh bag inside. It takes two people to turn the press until all of the juice is squeezed out. The apple mash as a result is spread out on the garden beds as compost or can be used to make apple cider vinegar, explained Carla Marsh.
Linda day loves to see children get involved and it’s fun to share the experience with people who have never seen cider pressed. The fresh hot donuts and warm cider are always a big hit. Jackson’s Garden is located two miles east of sheridan on Mill Creek road. Watch for the greenhouses.